AI Technology Helps Give Giant Pandas Individual Identities
Author: GoChengdu 2022-07-27

They're widely loved for their plumpness and clumsy antics, but giant pandas lack distinguishable facial features, making it difficult for scientists and keepers to tell them apart and thus keep track of them.


Now researchers at the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding have pioneered new technology that uses artificial intelligence to identify the creatures, allowing them to monitor the animals both within the sanctuary and in the wild.



Facial recognition technology used on humans and other animals such as chimpanzees is not nuanced enough to identify the giant pandas. "They lack a distinguishable biological characteristic." said Chen Peng, a researcher at the Chengdu base. This is due in part because of their furry faces and lack of facial expressions.


Panda identification is becoming easier thanks to a growing database of images and videos that have been analyzed in recent years to detect slight differences between the animals. Better recognizing individual pandas — and thus better understanding panda populations — can help with conservation, researchers say.


The use of AI technology can also reduce the human time and labor required to study the pandas, who mostly live alone and are scattered throughout vast bamboo forests.


Facial recognition samples from the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding.


Over 200,000 images and 10 terabytes of video data have been collected from over 600 pandas, both living and deceased, at the Chengdu research base so far.


Given that giant pandas mostly eat and sleep, keeping tabs on them is far from thrilling. Many pandas have their own dedicated fan groups, made easier with a facial recognition app for pandas created with information from the AI database.


Chen said his team was working to expand the tracking technology to monitor other endangered species in the wild.


Source: NBC News

Edited by Huang Xiaomei

Hi Panda